Spiropulu, Maria

Maria Spiropulu is the Shang-Yi Ch’en Professor of Physics at Caltech. She received her PhD in physics from Harvard and was Enrico Fermi Fellow at the University of Chicago before moving to CERN. She worked at the Tevatron’s collider experiments and at the CERN’s LHC on detector and trigger R&D and searches for dark matter and other new physics including the discovery of the Higgs. Since 2013 she is exploring and applying AI and Quantum-AI to accelerate discovery in HEP and other domains. In 2017 she founded at Caltech the “INtelligent Quantum NEtworks and Technologies (In-Q-Net) research program focusing on quantum networks and HEP/QIS intersections.
Spiropulu was the chair of the Fermilab Physics Advisory Committee and member of the High Energy Physics Advisory Panel to the U.S. Department of Energy and the National Science Foundation. She was a member of the Aspen Center for Physics, the chair of of the Forum of International Physics of the American Physical Society and member of the Advisory Panel of the HEP Forum for Computational Excellence. She is the founder of the Physics of the Universe Summit (POTUS) that explores challenges in emerging and cross-cutting areas of science and technology. She is a Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science and the American Physical Society and was the Chair of the Caltech Faculty in 2019-20.