Third edition - Future Quantum


The 3rd edition of the Sparks! Forum will take place in 2024. Discussions will tackle topics such as the necessary tools to maintain access to the technology and how to make knowledge available to researchers, developers and users alike, amongst other topics.

After a hybrid edition in 2021, our facilitation design was refined during the fully in-person meeting in 2022. Based on collaborative methodologies and highly appreciated by both the participants and the CERN facilitation team, it will be implemented again for the third edition. We look forward to being able to create those serendipitous moments between experts again during these tailor-made forum sessions. 

Curation for the Forum for this edition will be a more collaborative effort, with co-conveners contributing to the recommendations of participants being put to the Sparks! Committee. Institutions both local and from CERN member-states will be invited to co-own topics under the Future Quantum theme. The involvement of such partners is a concrete step in spreading the Sparks! message in further circles.

Stay tuned! 

Forum Topics


INTERPRETING REALITY - How will the coming quantum revolution change our understanding of reality? 

SHARING QUANTUM - How do we ensure global knowledge-sharing amongst researchers?

OPENING QUANTUM - How do we ensure that users have fair access to knowledge and technology in a shared and open way?

CHANGING THE GAME - The first true quantum computer might bestow geopolitical advantage. What frameworks need to be put into place to avoid global supremacy? 

SENSING QUANTUM - Quantum sensors have the potential to reduce the costs of high-tech apparatus, especially linked to health. How might these applications change our lives? How do we ensure the new tools will be used towards democratisation rather than risk increasing the societal divide?  

SHAKING-UP STRUCTURES - How will quantum computing shake up existing structures in research (small vs. large groups), industry, geopolitics (think a small country with first quantum supremacy)? How will it allow us to ask questions in new ways, allowing us to leapfrog to new understandings?