Rousseau, David

David Rousseau is senior scientist at IJCLab-Orsay, Université Paris-Saclay and CNRS. After a dozen of year designing and implementing many pieces of the CERN Large Hadron Collider ATLAS experiment software, a chance meeting in 2013 with a Machine Learning (what was this?) Computer Scientist decided a new path in his career: develop the interface between High Energy Physics (and science in general) and Machine Learning
He has set-up two HEP and Machine Learning competitions on Kaggle and other platforms (HiggsML for event classification, TrackML for tracking), co-created the ATLAS ML group and now is ATLAS contact in the Interexperiment Machine Learning group.
He has been particularly involved in using generator models for fast and accurate simulation, ML aided reconstruction algorithms and Simulation Based Inference (in the context of Higgs boson physics).