Lamb, Luís

Luis Lamb is a Professor of Foundations of Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS) and Secretary of Innovation, Science and Technology in the State of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. He was formerly Vice-President for Research at UFRGS and Dean of Informatics. His research focuses on Artificial Intelligence in particular Neurosymbolic AI, Explainable AI, and AI fairness. He has published several foundational works in the field, including “Neural-Symbolic Cognitive Reasoning” with Garcez and Gabbay.
Lamb's research has led to publications in several leading journals and flagship AI and Machine Learning conferences including AAAI, IJCAI, NIPS, and HCOMP. He was the co-organizer of several workshops on neurosymbolic AI, including two Dagstuhl seminars.
He has designed and led several public programs and policies on innovation, science, and technology and advises government and organizations on AI strategy, technology, and innovation. Lamb holds a PhD in Computer Science from Imperial College London, MSc and BSc from UFRGS, and the MIT Executive Certificate in Strategy and Innovation and the Certificate in Management and Leadership.