Damiano, Luisa

Luisa Damiano is an Associate Professor of Logic and Philosophy of Science at the University of Messina, and is the coordinator of the Epistemology of the Sciences of the Artificial Research Group (ESARG) within CERCO (Research Ceter on Complex Systems, University of Bergamo, both in Italy. Her main research fields are Epistemology of Complex Systems, Cognitive Sciences and Philosophy of and of Biology and Sciences of the Artificial, with a focus on the Synthetic Modeling of Life and Cognition.
She wrote several articles and essays, and two books (Unità in dialogo. Un nuovo stile per la conoscenza, Mondadori, Milano 2009, being translated into English; Vivre avec les robots. Essai sur l'empathie artificielle, with P. Dumouchel, Seuil, Paris, in press, being translated into Italian and into English). She is preparing, together with Paul Dumouchel, a book about Artificial Empathy which will be published both in English (The Michigan State University Press, under contract).